Fraune, M. R., & Knepper, R. A. (2024). But Where Are You Going?! Motion Is What Is Most Important for Real-World Co-Present Mobile Robots. In 2024 33rd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (ROMAN) (pp. 146-153). IEEE.
Momen, A., de Visser, E. J., Fraune, M. R., Madison, A., Rueben, M., Cooley, K., & Tossell, C. C. (2023). Group trust dynamics while driving together under risky conditions in a Tesla model X. Frontiers in Psychology, section Human-Media Interaction.
Fraune, M. R., Zemedie, M., Kahlaf, A., Z., Hamilton, W., Toups, Z., Tran, S. (2021). Developing future wearable interfaces for human-drone teams through a virtual drone search game. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies. 102573
Rueben, M., Horrocks, M. R., Martinez, J. E., LaLone, N., Fraune, M. R., & Toups, Z. (2022). I See You!": A Design Framework for Interface Cues about Agent Visual Perception from a Thematic Analysis of Video Games. 2022 ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI'22).
Au, R. H. Y., Ling, K., Fraune, M. R., Tsui, K. M. (2022). Robot Touch to Send Sympathy: Divergent Perspectives of Senders and Recipients. International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction 2022.
Fraune, M. R., Juang, K. A., Greenstein, J. S., Madathil, K. C., & Koikkara, R. (2013). Evaluating the usability of user-created pictures to remember system-generated passwords and phrases. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 57th Annual Meeting. Finalist in the Computer Systems Technical Group (CSTG) Best Paper Contest.
Baggett, R., Simecek, M., Tsui, K. M., Fraune, M. (2024). Temporal Progression of four older adults through technology acceptance phases for a mobile telepresence robot in domestic environments. Robotics, 13(7), 95.
Rheman, J. M., Baggett, R. P., Simecek, M., Fraune, M. R., Tsui, K. M. (2024). Longitudinal Study of Mobile Telepresence Robots in Older Adults’ Homes: Uses, Social Connection, & Comfort with Technology. Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction (THRI).
Komatsu, T., Fraune, M. R., Tsui, K., Suda, S., Kobayashi, M. (2024). How did COVID-19 pandemic affect the older adults’ needs for robot technologies in Japan: Comparison of participatory design workshops during versus after the COVID-19 pandemic. Frontiers: Robotics and AI.
Ling, K., Langlois, D., Preusse, H., Rheman, M., Parson, D., Kuballa, S., Fraune, M. R., Tsui, K. M. (2023). If you weren't connected to the Internet, you were not alive”: Experience of using social technology during COVID-19 in adults 50+.Frontiers in Public Health: Aging in Public Health.
Fraune, M. R., Komatsu, T., Pruesse, H., Langlois, D., Au, R. H. Y., Ling, K., Suda, S., Nakamura, K., & Tsui, K. M. (2022) Socially facilitative robots for older adults to alleviate social isolation: A participatory design workshop approach in the US and Japan. Frontiers in Psychology
Fraune, M. R., Au, R. H. Y., Langlois, D., Preusse, H., Rheman, M., Ling, K., Tsui, K. M. (2022). With age comes technology wisdom: Effect of affinity for technology on group cohesion and mental health during social isolation depends on age across cultures. Elsevier: Social Science Research Network (SSRN).
Wilson, C. D., Langlois, D., & Fraune, M. R. (2024). Strangers on a Team?: Human Companions, Compared to Strangers or Individuals, are More Likely to Reject a Robot Teammate. International Journal of Social Robotics, 1-11.
Au, R. Y. A., Fraune, M. R., & Wullenkord, R. (2023). Unethical robot teammates: The effects of wrongdoer identity and entity type on whistleblowing and intergroup dynamics. International Journal of Social Robotics.
Martinez, J., VanLeeuwen, D., Stringam, B., Fraune, M. R. (2023). Hey?! What do you think about that robot?: Groups polarize users’ acceptance and trust of the delivery robots. International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction 2023; Stockholm, Sweden.
Smith, E.R., Šabanović, S., & Fraune, M. R. (2021). Human-robot interaction through the lens of social psychological theories of Intergroup behavior. Technology, Mind, and Behavior (TMB).
Fraune, M. R. (2020). Our robots, our team: Robot sociality moderates group effects in human-robot teams. Journal of Frontiers in Psychology - Performance Science, 11, 1275.
Smith, E. R., Sherrin, S., Fraune, M. R., & Šabanović, S. (2020). Positive emotions, more than anxiety or other negative emotions, predict willingness to interact with robots. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 0146167219900439.
Fraune, M. R., B. C. Oisted, C. E. Sembrowski, K. A. Gates, M. M. Krupp and S. Šabanović (2020). Effects of robot-human versus robot-robot behavior and entitativity on anthropomorphism and willingness to interact. Computers in Human Behavior 105: 106220.
Fraune, M. R., Sherrin, S., Šabanović, S., & Smith, E. R. (2019). Is human-robot interaction more competitive between groups than between individuals? In the 2019 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, Daegu, South Korea, 104-113.
Fraune, M. R., Šabanović, S., & Smith, E. R. (2017). Teammates first: Favoring ingroup robots over outgroup humans. Proceedings of the 26th IEEE International Symposium in Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2017). Lisbon, Portugal. (1342-1437). IEEE.
Fraune, M. R., Sherrin, S. Šabanović, S., & Smith, E. R. (2015). Rabble of robots effects: Number and type of robots modulates attitudes, emotions, and stereotypes. In proceedings for the 2015 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI '15). (pp. 109-116). ACM, New York, NY, USA. Finalist in the Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) Best Paper Contest.
Preusse, H., Skulsky, R., Fraune, M. R., Stringam, B. B. (2021). Together we can figure it out: Groups find hospitality robots easier to use and interact with them more than individuals. Frontiers in Psychology, 335
Fraune, M. R., Šabanović, S., & Kanda, T. (2019). Human Group Presence, Group Characteristics, and Group Norms affect Human-Robot Interaction in Naturalistic Settings. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 6, 48. doi: 10.3389/frobt.2019.00048.
Fraune, M. R., Kawakami, S., Šabanović, S., de Silva, P. R. S., & Okada, M. (2015). Three’s company, or a crowd?: The effects of robot number and behavior on HRI in Japan and the USA. In Robotics: Science and Systems. Paper presented at the 12th Annual Robotics: Science and Systems Conference, Rome, Italy.
Correia, F., Christeson, C., Mascarenhas, S. F., Paiva, A., & Fraune, M. R., (2022). I know I am, but what are you?: The effects of culture and self-categorization on emotions toward the NAO robot. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (Computer-Supported Cooperative Work) 6, pp 1-19.
Fraune, M. R., Kawakami, S., Šabanović, S., de Silva, P. R. S., & Okada, M. (2015). Three’s company, or a crowd?: The effects of robot number and behavior on HRI in Japan and the USA. In Robotics: Science and Systems. Paper presented at the 12th Annual Robotics: Science and Systems Conference, Rome, Italy.
Bennet, C. B., Šabanović, S., Fraune, M. R., & Shaw, K. (2014). Context Congruency and Robotic Facial Expressions: Do Effects on Human Perceptions Vary across Culture? In (Vargas, P. A., Aylett, R.) (Eds.) In proceedings of the IEEE RO-MAN 2014, the 23rdIEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication. Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. (pp. 465-470). IEEE.
Smart, W. D., Matheus, K., & Fraune, M. (2024). Applying bodystorming to human-robot interaction design. Amazon Science.
Fraune, M. R., Leite, I., Karatas, K., Amirova, A., Legeleux, A., Sandygulova, A., Neerincx, A., Tikas, G. D., Gunes, H., Mohan, M., Abbasi, N. I., Shenoy, S., Scassellati, B., De Visser, E., & Komatsu, T. (2022). Lessons learned about designing and conducting studies from HRI experts. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, section Human-Robot Interaction
Swaminathan, J., Akintoye, J., Fraune, M. R., Knight, H. (2021). Robots that run their own human experiments: Exploring relational humor with multi-robot comedy. 30th IEEE International Conference on Robot & Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2021). (1262-1268).
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